Please plan to join KC ASCE and APWA KC Metro Chapter for their monthly March Luncheon presented by George A. Tannoury (Geotechnical Department Manager at Terracon Consultants, Inc.) on Cement Modified Soil for Pavement Applications . This meeting is scheduled to be held at Porto do Sul Brazilian Stakehouse in Overland Park, KS.
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Presentation Abstract:
For many years, the ability to stabilize soil for pavement base material relied heavily on the use of Fly Ash, a bi-product of energy generation from coal-fired power stations. But more recently, new regulations from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has impacted the availability, and expense, of Fly Ash, making it costly for DOTs and public entities to use for the base layer under pavement. With natural gas being a cheaper and more environmentally-friendly alternative to coal, Fly Ash supplies may continue to decrease while prices increase. Cement Modified Soil (CMS) provides a better, cost-effective alternative.
Speaker: George A. Tannoury, P.E. (Geotechnical Department Manager – Terracon Consultants, Inc.)

George A. Tannoury, P.E. continues to serve as geotechnical department manager with Terracon Consultants (Wichita Office) since 2015 and is the engineer of record on a wide spectrum of projects including wind turbine projects, refinery structures, power plants, grain storage elevators/bins, bridges and highways. Mr. Tannoury has two Master of Science degrees in civil engineering (The University of Balamand – 2001 and The University of Nevada Reno – 2007) and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in geotechnical engineering “Evaluation of Microcraking for Cement Modified Soil” at the University of Kansas.
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