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Section Board Nominations


The Kansas City Section of ASCE is taking nominations for its Board of Directors.  Positions available for nomination are President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Directors.  A description of each position can be found below.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or wish to nominate a candidate for the Board, please submit a nomination by e-mail to by no later than April 5, 2013.

If necessary, a vote on all contested positions will be taken by at our Annual Meeting in mid-May with the and the new Board will be announced at the conclusion of the meeting.  We look forward to your continued participation so that we can keep the Kansas City Section strong and vibrant

Thank you,

David Silverstein, P.E. President, Kansas City Section 2012-2013



The President-Elect shall act in place of the President when the President is not available.  The President-Elect shall serve as the vice chair and attend all meetings of the Section Board of Directors. The President-Elect also shall have primary responsibility for oversight and coordination of the following committees: Government & Public Relations and Membership. The President-Elect shall assume the role of President following completion the President’s one-year term.


The Treasurer shall monitor the funds of the Section, assist in preparation of the Section’s annual budget, report periodically to the Section Board of Directors, provide an annual financial report to the Section Board of Directors, and attend all meetings of the Section Board of Directors.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation and submittal of necessary Section tax information to regulatory authorities.  The Treasurer also shall have primary responsibility for oversight and coordination of the following committees: Attendance, Dinner, and Programs.


The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Section Board of Directors and serve as secretary at all meetings.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of Section meetings and be in charge of Section correspondence.  The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and submittal of required annual reports to Society. The Secretary also shall have primary responsibility for oversight and coordination of the following committees: Communications/Database and Newsletter/Webpage.


The Directors of the Section shall be elected annually by the Subscribing Members of the Section, and shall consist of one Director III, one Director II, one Director I, and one Associate Member Director. Directors shall have primary responsibility for oversight and coordination of the following committees: Awards and History & Heritage, Continuing Education, technical committees, Younger Members and Student Chapters.

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