What: Lunch & Learn – Hosted by Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association
When: June 13, 2018, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where: Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center (Water)
18011 Bass Pro Dr.
Independence, MO 64055
Topic: Basics of Balanced Mix Design – Grant Wollenhaupt, Superior Bowen
Who: Great educational & networking opportunity for Engineering Consultants, City and Municipal Engineers and Public Works Directors.
Registration: Registration is FREE (Register by June 7th) Link to sign in:
Lunch will be served before the presentation. PDH’s are available and there is no cost to attend.
The Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association will be hosting a Lunch & Learn at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center, Independence from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Design engineers, consultants, city engineers, and public works officials will learn about the basics of balanced mix design. When level 1 of the Superpave mix design system was rolled out in the late 1990’s, the intent was to follow its adoption with a level 2 & 3 that incorporate performance-based tests into the system. Nearly 30 years later and that roll out is finally starting to be addressed. In only the past few years, many performance tests have been developed and/or refined to provide cost-effective, repeatable and timely results. Coupled with a need to evaluate mixtures beyond volumetrics, performance-based specifications have been shown to improve upon the existing mix design system and therefore are being implemented in many places. Several States are either reviewing or have already adopted a balance mix design approach and trend is growing rapidly. This presentation is focused on how the balanced mix design process works as well as how it can allow owners to take advantage of current cost saving innovations while maintaining or improving performance of their asphalt mixtures.
Professional Development Hours (1 hour) are available to those who attend.
This is a great opportunity to learn about using asphalt effectively. There is no charge for registration and seating is limited. If you want to attend, please register online by completing the form below. Email Brandon Atchison with any questions.
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