Ernie Longoria and Ozzy Bravo stopped by Johnny’s Tavern in Overland Park on Tuesday January 17th to visit with the KC ASCE Younger Members Group. The YMG continues to have strong participation with over 20 ASCE members in attendance. The meeting was presided by Stephen Stinger, President and Structural Engineer with Black & Veatch. Some of the event highlighted included the Annual Mavericks Hockey Night in Indepedence, MO – sponsored in part by Transystems, the Friends of Johnson County Developmental Services Volunteer Day and the upcoming MultiRegion Leadership Conference in Minneapolis. The KC Section will be sending 5 members to participate – one board member and 4 YMG officers.

Ernie Longoria addressing the KC ASCE Younger Members

KC ASCE Members attending the MRLC in Minneapolis: Stephen Stinger, Tony Kulesa, Emily Loiselle, Ozzy Bravo and Tom Greer.
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