This morning (5/3/17), despite the rainy weather, the Missouri and Kansas ASFPM (Association of State Floodplain Managers) hosted our 5k run on the Riverfront Heritage Trail. This run was the first year of the ASCE Kansas City Section – Annual Kiosk Run, to celebrate engineering in Kansas City and the landmark ASB Bridge. The participants ran from Berkley Park to the Kit Bond Bridge, then back under the ASB Bridge, by the ASCE Kiosk, to Broadway Bridge, and back. The winner was Glenn Heistand with the Illinois State Water Survey, with a time of 20 minutes ~21 seconds. Congratulations Glenn and thank you ASFPM, Raceday Timing Solutions, Cody Porter, Jason Schneider, Tom Jacobs, and the other volunteers. We look forward to piggy-backing onto some other engineering conference next year, to perpetuate this annual event!
Thanks, ASCE KC Section President – John Blancett
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