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April Awards Dinner


The Kansas City Section Presents: “Annual Kansas City Section Awards Dinner”

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011


Mr. Andrew W. Herrmann, PE, SECB, F. ASCE

ASCE President Elect

Join the Kansas City Section on Tuesday, April 5th as we host the annual KC Section Awards Dinner at which both outstanding students and life members will be recognized. 

In addition ASCE President Elect Andrew Herrmann will speak. 

Andrew W. Herrmann is a Principal of Hardesty & Hanover, LLP, a transportation consulting engineering firm founded in 1887 and headquartered in New York City. During his 36 year career he has been responsible for management of the firm and many of the firm’s major fixed and movable bridge projects. His experience covers inspection, rating, design, rehabilitation, and construction of bridges. He is Past President of ASCE’s NYC Metropolitan Section and past Chair of ASCE’s Structural Division’s (now Structural Engineering Institute) Technical Administrative Committee on Bridges. Andrew was Co-chair of the 2005 Structural Engineering Institute’s Structures Congress in NYC and served on the Advisory Council for ASCE’s 2003 and 2005 Report Cards for America’s Infrastructure and is presently the Chair for the Advisory Council for the preparation of the 2009 Report Card. He has served on the ASCE Board of Direction as District 1 Director, been Chair of ASCE’s Region 1 Board of Governors, been Chair of the Publications Committee, and is presently serving as ASCE Treasurer. He has testified multiple times on behalf of ASCE before the House Committee on Infrastructure and Transportation and the Senate Committee on Public Works and Environment on the topics of infrastructure and the condition of our nation’s bridges. He has been interviewed by magazines, newspapers, radio, and television, and participated in cable documentaries on the subject of bridges and our nation’s infrastructure. 

Andrew earned a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Valparaiso University and a Master’s in Civil Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York. He is a Professional Engineer in 30 jurisdictions including the Province of Ontario. 

Location: Brio Tuscan Grille 

               502 Nichols Road 

                Kansas City, MO 64112 

Times: 5:30pm Registration 

            6:00pm Dinner

             6:30pm Program 

Salad: Brio Chopped Salad 

Entrees (Choose on Arrival): Penne Mediterranean, Chicken Under The Brick, or Grilled Salmon with Citrus Pesto Sauce 

Desserts: Cheesecake or Milk Chocolate Caramel Cake 

Cost: $35.00 per person 

RSVP: by Thursday, March 31st to Mohamad Ibrawish by emailing or calling (913)638-9184

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