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April ASCE Awards Luncheon Meeting & National President-Elect’s Vision Presentation


Meeting Sponsor:


Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Plaza III Steakhouse

4749 Pennsylvania Ave.

Kansas City, MO  64112


11:30 Registration / Networking

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Presentation


$30 per person – Members

$25 per person – Students

$0 per person – Life Members, and Award Recipients


Filet Mignon or

Grilled Breast of Chicken or

Grilled Atlantic Salmon

Please RSVP no later than COB on Thursday, April 6th, 2017


New Life Members

Engineer of the Year Award

Project of the Year

Outstanding Senior UMKC Student

Distinguished Senior UMKC Student

National President-Elect’s Vision for ASCE:

Our National (Society) President-Elect Kristina Swallow will present the direction of ASCE, in the upcoming year.  Our industry faces many challenges, and ASCE’s Strategic Initiatives of: Sustainable Infrastructure,  ASCE Grand Challenge, and Raising the Bar, are focused on addressing them.


Kristina L. Swallow, P.E., ENV. SP., F. ASCE


Leading a team of engineers responsible for delivering public works projects and planning the sanitary sewer collection system, Kristina has been with the City of Las Vegas since 2012.   She is responsible for negotiating design and construction contracts, reviewing progress of the work, coordination with public and private sector stakeholders, and responding to external comments or questions.  In addition, she advises on bicycle and pedestrian-related infrastructure, representing the City, as needed, at the Nevada Legislature, and participating in public meetings.

Prior to her current position, Kristina served as Senator Tom Udall’s lead on transportation policy.  She worked on the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill and the development and passage of the MAP-21 surface transportation authorization bill.

Kristina has been active in ASCE since 1995, serving on various Society-level committees such as Program and Finance, and the Committees on Education, and Diversity.    She served as the Society’s appointed Governor on the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute until her election as ASCE’s 2018 President.

In addition to her professional activities, Kristina is active in her community.    She has served in leadership roles with the Junior League of Las Vegas, Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition, Engineers Without Borders, and serves on the Advisory Board to the University of Nevada Department of civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction.

Kristina earned her Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1994 and a Master’s in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Nevada in 2004.

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