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2017 ASCE and APWA KC Metro Chapter Joint Luncheon


Please join us Wednesday, March 15th with ASCE and APWA KC Metro Chapterto to learn about Implementing Envision for More Sustainable Public Infrastructure Projects

DATE: Wednesday, March 15th 2017

TIME: 11:30am – 1:00pm

LOCATION: Californo’s (4124 Pennsylvania, Kansas City, MO 64111)

MENU: Parmesan Chicken, Roasted Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Small Garden Salad

COST: $25

SPEAKER: Andy Sauer, Burns and McDonnell

Envision is a sustainability rating system that has been adopted by many cities, including Kansas City, Missouri, as an evaluation process to plan, design, and construct more sustainable public infrastructure projects. Envision is a rating tool, similar to LEED that can be applied to infrastructure projects for the purpose of comparing improvement alternatives beyond just costs. Envision can also provide an overall process for evaluating infrastructure programs or for the development of capital improvement plans. This presentation will provide an overview of the Envision rating system, the project verification process, and an example of applying Envision at a program level.

RSVP Here through the APWA website, or Email Joe Burgett at .

Upcoming Monthly Meetings:

  1. Tuesday April 11th –  Awards Luncheon at Plaza III, Society President-Elect Kristina Swallow as Speaker & Recognition of Life Members

  2. May is the ASCE KC Section “kickoff” meeting. Date TBD

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