The Nominating Committee of the Kansas City Section ASCE has met in accordance with the Section Bylaws to fulfill its duty in preparing and submitting a slate of Officers and Directors for the 2011-2012 Section year. This slate of candidates represents the Nominating Committee’s Official Section Nominees. It is our duty to point out that at-large nominations are also permitted from the membership.
We considered and interviewed several highly qualified Section Members for these leadership positions before arriving at our recommended slate, which appears below:
David Silverstein President–Elect Sheryl Gallagher 1st Vice President & Treasurer Tom Jacobs 2nd Vice President & Secretary James Duehning Continuing Director Ronnie Williams 2nd Year Director Adrian Keller 1st Year Director Joji Calabro Associate Member Director
According to the by-laws, Kensey Russell assumes the Presidency automatically by virtue of being the President-Elect at the conclusion of the 2010-2011 year.
Respectfully submitted by the 2010-2011 Nominating Committee: Alysen Abel – Chair, Craig Buhr and Roy Bravo.
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